Saturday, February 25, 2006

And the winner is...

Thirty-six suggestions (a third of which were provided by Nicole alone), and not a single one correct!

The correct answer is: a stalactite. More precisely, a stalactite taken from below in one of the Mbanza-Ngungu caves in Bas-Congo.

Since no one found the correct answer, first prize goes to creativity. And the winners are:

§ Carole and the polar bear footprint! Carole’s full answer was: « L'empreinte de la patte arrière droite d'un ours polaire qui, dans un effort désespéré d'adaptation au réchauffement climatique, a pris des vacances dans un Club Med Congolais où il s'est enfoncé profondément dans la boue en essayant d'apprendre à parler l'Hyppopotame local. »

(One of five who live in our courtyard)

§ Close second is Dad and his bicentennial tree-cum-cheese platter: « C’est la coupe (section) d'un arbre katangais bicentenaire qui a vu passer Stanley lorsqu'il recherchait Livingstone dans le coin, et qui sert aujourd'hui de plateau à fromage »


(From Madagascar)

I know, I know; the Congolese way is clearly seeping slowly through my skin and into my veins, and already I am handing out prizes to members of my immediate family. Worse, I set up a so-called ‘committee’ to bring a semblance of neutrality to the proceedings. We even have a name, le Comité des Loups-Garous, after a game a group of us played well into the night during our week-end trip to the Mbanza-Ngungu caves.

So in an attempt to redress the balance somewhat, I have introduced another prize category:

§ The prize for cleverness goes to Damien and his helicopter’s view of an open-cut mine.

Prize: A detailed, independent investigation into resource exploitation and conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Thank you all very much for being so responsive!


Anonymous said...

Moi je veux juste dire en passant, ce matin il faisait -13 avec des rafales de vent a 55 km/h... quand elles soufflent tu te figes et t'arrives plus a respirer.
Alors le joueur de clairon, a cote, c'est le luxe...

chica said...

Au moins, avec des rafales a 55km/h, j'etendrais pas le clairon... Mais t'as raison, je te le laisse ton temps de chien!