Monday, February 20, 2006


What is this?

There will be a prize for the first one who guesses correctly, and a prize for the most creative suggestion.


Nick said...

Is it an ashtray?

Anonymous said...

i really hope its not your new hairdo

Anonymous said...

The bugle player, following your advice, started playing towards the police building. One tired policeman didn't show any patience and shot him in the head and then set fire to what was left of his face.

This is the picture of the result...

(sorry, you said "be creative"!)

Anonymous said...

A fossil of a weapon used by prehistoric african warriors from Homo Habilis... (less disgusting than the proposal above...)

Anonymous said...

A giant jungle walnut?.....

chica said...

Great stuff! I am enjoying myself immensely!! A welcome break from an otherwise dreary day.

Other suggestions that have come to me directly by e-mail:

- Damien: A helicopter's view of a open-cut mine;

- Anne-Marie: The teeth and bottom jaw of a hippopotamus;

- Michael: Some kind of African sunflower;

- Marc-Antoine: A tree in the process of liquefaction, a tree stump;

- Nicole (hedging her bets): Une racine, un coquillage, un champignon, de la lave (seche) de volcan, un morceau d’ecorce, un tronc d’arbre, une plante (saine ou malade), de la peinture, un mineral, un morceau de bois petrifie, un os, une pierre... Je donne ma langue au chat!!

- Carole (somewhat predictably): L'empreinte de la patte arrière droite d'un ours polaire qui, dans un effort désespéré d'adaptation au réchauffement climatique, a pris des vacances dans un Club Med Congolais où il s'est enfoncé profondément dans la boue en essayant d'apprendre à parler l'Hyppopotame local.

I think I will establish a small committee to help me determine who the winners are for each of the two prizes. In the meantime, keep guessing!

chica said...

More e-mail suggestions:

- From Dad: C la coupe (section) d'un arbre katangais bicentenaire qui a vu passer Stanley lorsqu'il recherchait Livingstone dans le coin, et qui sert aujourd'hui de plateau à fromage...

- From Regane (following consultation with her colleagues): quelque chose qui a à voir avec la bouche (d'une bête bien sur!), une machoire ou une dent; sinon, on penche pour le dessous d'un tronc d'arbre / une coupe d'un arbre.

Anonymous said...

euh... une peau de Yak en forme de fleur???
une table basse?
une fleur sous marine?

Anonymous said...

An African drumb (viewed from above) missing its skin, a Congolese acorn, a 3d model of the local landscape, one of your helicopter pictures of the Grand Canyon, broccoli's friend?!?

chica said...

From Laura: A face under a big hat with a transparent brim