Thursday, March 23, 2006


I am very, very cross indeed. I just noticed, purely by chance, that someone hacked into my last post about Pointe Noire!! And with Portuguese poetry of all unlikely things! Now, normally this might amuse me, and even be the cause of another Sherlock Holmes investigation (following the unqualified success of Operation Buglechoke). I could almost allow myself to wonder whether the poem was actually meant for me, from some secret, heartbroken admire. But in this case the poem was unforgivably posted at the expense of the second half of a rather lengthy piece about my week-end in Pointe Noire, complete with witty anecdotes about seafood orgies, caipirinhas on the beach and the unparalleled excitement of a motocross championship. Of course, I could try retelling the whole thing, but that’s just not how inspiration works now is it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ya for example I read every day, but then after a few lines my mind drifts away as my eyes glance at the text... lol
so I don't really know what you wrote!
Anyway who hacked your blog with that portugese poem???