Monday, December 12, 2005

For posterity

A picture of my desk to date, about to be changed for a less colourful, but more functional, equivalent.

1 comment:

Nick said...

Hi Carine

I think you should keep your red plastic desk. You could use some plants in your office though, it's like a set for a Harold Pinter play!

I was intrigued by your blog title - does Nayémbi mean "I sing" in Lingala? It looks a cool language - I noticed that the word for Coffee is almost the same as Arabic, that makes sense.

Unbelievable how expensive accommodation is! How about a hammock in your office? :-)

You'll be glad to know that is v cold and v grey in London - I'll continue to take vicarious pleasure in reading your blog!

Cheers, n

P.S. When I see that mighty river I can only think of Conrad's 'Heart of Darkness' - have you read it?